Thursday, March 8, 2007

Mean Creek

This was good. I like the ambiguity of George's character. It made him more realistic and I think it made the movie better that he wasn't a stereotypical bully. I also like that it was left open-ended. What happens to the kids after they confess? What should happen? Big fan that they left that open instead of forcing their values on us by using what they think should happen. I don't know what I think happened. I'd like to think that legally they are okay because it was an accident, but mentally they're messed up because they know that even though they didn't do it, they wanted to and made a plan to get away with it. The multiple cameras were nice too. How George sees George vs how everyone else sees him. Sort of forces the "good, bad, or normal" question a bit further. Probably a movie to watch with others to sort through everything at the end.

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